How to choose a good wallpaper glue: we understand the types and find the best one

3 Exclusive Non-Woven Pro

Exclusive Non-Woven Pro

The brand owned by the well-known company Imperial Starch produces glue that is effective when applied to various non-woven materials. You don’t have to worry and think whether this composition is suitable for prepared wallpaper rolls. It reliably adheres the strips to the wall, regardless of the structure or degree of roughness of the latter. Even heavy trellises are held neatly, do not slip, or come off. What is important is that initially, before drying, no foreign unpleasant odor is felt.

The composition of the contents of the package is quite predictable - starch and antiseptic additives. What is interesting is the possibility of using the solution not only for wallpaper, but also as a primer. From the positive observations of users, according to reviews, the powder does not form lumps when stirred, and only 7 liters of water are required per package. When storing the solution, a film does not form and it does not dry out. A pack of powder is enough to cover 40 square meters. meters. If less consumption is required, the dry residue is hermetically stored in a proprietary foil bag.

Requirements for wallpaper glue

Modern wallpaper adhesive, regardless of its composition, must meet the following requirements:

  1. High degree of adhesion to the underlying surface.
  2. Safety for humans. The adhesive must not contain toxic or irritating substances.
  3. No allergens. Long-term exposure to allergens on the human body (especially the child’s body) can lead to bronchial asthma and severe complications.
  4. Maximum possible shelf life in a diluted state. Repair work is often carried out within a few days, and sometimes takes a couple of weeks.

A good advantage will be the presence of antifungal drugs and bactericidal additives in the glue that prevent the growth of bacteria and mold.

All modern types of adhesives can be found in the official catalogs of hardware stores, where photos of wallpaper adhesives are presented and the main characteristics are described.

2 Exclusive Platinum Pro

Exclusive Platinum Pro

Many Russian consumers have already evaluated this product and included it in their short list of materials useful for repairs. It is well compatible not only with glass wallpaper, fiberglass, but also with all types of non-woven and textile coverings. The powder, which is waterproof in nature, is environmentally friendly and therefore absolutely safe for human health.

The advantages of the wallpaper composition include its neutrality to low temperatures. That is, after finishing a room in which coolness and humidity reign, the appearance of the coating will not change, it will not begin to fall off. Special additives also prevent the appearance of fungus or mold on the wallpaper. A package weighing 283 grams is enough to service walls up to 45 square meters. meters. If you choose a 566 gram package, you can cover up to 80 square meters. meters. The advantages of the product for amateurs and professionals include the ability to store the prepared water-based solution for up to 30 days. This is the most practical offer at an affordable price.

The choice of glue depending on the type of wallpaper

What glue to use for wallpaper? Manufacturers offer either a special adhesive mass or a universal one for each type of wallpaper.

Paper wallpaper. This type of trellis is produced with duplex and simplex structure. The classic look is wallpaper with one paper layer. The two-layer structure is more resistant to high humidity and exposure to sunlight (they do not fade so quickly).

For gluing, you can use homemade glue, based on flour or starch, ordinary PVA, adhesive mass based on “CMC” or “MK”.

Made from vinyl. Vinyl wallpaper consists of two layers: a bottom layer of paper (non-woven or even fabric), and a top layer of PVC film (sometimes fabric is used). They are highly durable and resistant to moisture, non-toxic, have a long service life, are very beautiful and technologically advanced for design solutions. The most prominent representative is the “Sirpi” wallpaper from Italy.

The presence of paper in the bottom layer does not mean that you can use glue for paper wallpaper. The top layer blocks the access of air to the adhesive mass, as a result of which it dries for a long time, losing its adhesive abilities during this time. Therefore, it is not recommended to use universal glue, as well as homemade glue based on flour or starch.

There are special types of glue for vinyl trellises on sale:

  • "Quelyd" special vinyl;
  • "Kleo Smart";
  • "Methylane" Vinyl;
  • "Moment" Vinyl et al.

If the bottom layer is made of non-woven fabric, then appropriate glue is needed.

Non-woven trellises. Wallpaper is made from cellulose fiber. They are waterproof but breathable. When gluing them, there is a very important feature: the glue is applied only to the surface of the walls and kept there for a certain time, 10-15 minutes, to penetrate the wall material.

What wallpaper glue is best for non-woven fabric? The most popular brands:

  • "Metylan" Nonwoven Premium;
  • "Quelyd" Special interlining";
  • “Moment” Nonwoven;
  • “Kleo” Non-woven.

These types of glue are also needed for glass wallpaper. For PVC-based photo wallpapers, liquid nails are most often used.

Trellis with a base made of natural materials - cork and bamboo - require a special adhesive mass marked “for bamboo and cork” or “for cork”. You can use “Special Vinyl” glue, which also holds wallpaper made from natural materials well on the wall.

Gluing non-woven wallpaper

So, let's figure out how to glue non-woven wallpaper without the help of professionals.

First of all, prepare the floor surface; it should be perfectly clean. Alternatively, you can use plastic film to cover the floor. Next, spread the roll on the floor, pattern down.

Using a tape measure, mark the required length (wall height + 15 mm margin). We bend the roll and draw a line along the mark. Then carefully cut the fabric along the fold.

If there is a pattern on the wallpaper and you need to join it, the next strip of wallpaper must be cut off with a margin. It is recommended to join the drawing before cutting.

Prepare the adhesive mixture according to the instructions and apply it to the wall using a brush or roller. The glue should be applied so that the strip on the wall is larger than the width of the canvas.

The cut strip of canvas must be applied to the wall covered with glue. Then the canvas is smoothed from top to bottom to remove bubbles, and the edge is adjusted according to the markings. Excess remnants of the canvas will need to be cut off with a knife.

The next strip is glued in the same way. During the gluing process, you need to join the edges and the images on them. Wallpaper in the corners of the room is pasted overlapping.

Wallpaper adhesives: what are they?

The main nuance that you need to know: the production of glue is carried out according to the same formula. The main components are:

  1. The basis. We are talking about modified starch or cellulose derivatives.
  2. Auxiliary additives. Aimed at imparting a mixture of antibacterial and antifungal characteristics. The list also contains additives that improve the process of gluing the product onto uneven surfaces.
  3. Additional component. In most cases this is PVA glue. It makes the substance waterproof and improves adhesion.

The classification is as follows:

SpecialThey are produced specifically for gluing vinyl, non-woven, textile, glass wallpaper and so on.
UniversalThey work with various materials.
Highly specializedIssued for products from a specific manufacturer.

It is worth looking at each type in more detail.


Contains a minimal percentage of PVA glue. There are virtually no antifungal additives. Not recommended for use in rooms with high humidity. Inexpensive. Purchased for pasting canvases in an apartment or private house. To get a positive result, you should strictly follow the instructions.

For use with fiberglass wallpaper

A distinctive feature of the material is its heavy weight and subsequent coloring. There are special requirements for the adhesive substance. The possibility of staining should be excluded. The main advantage is excellent adhesion to any surface. It is advisable to have a small amount of time for the mixture to dry completely. This will make it possible to properly level the canvas on the wall.


It is based on modified starch and fibrous cellulose. The positive points are:

  • hygiene;
  • long operational period;
  • excellent adhesion;
  • ease of use;
  • ideal penetrating qualities;
  • possibility of use in hard-to-reach areas;
  • withstand low temperatures;
  • An excellent option for gluing heavy elements.

The basic requirements for the product are:

  • the consistency should be slippery;
  • fungicidal components.

This will make it possible to timely align the canvas to the desired position.


For this type of work, the following popular models are purchased: “Bustilat” and vinyl glue. There are two options for applying the solution: directly on the wall or on the back side of the canvases. Preliminary preparation of the surface for finishing is necessary: ​​cleaning of old paint, priming.


This material requires a special composition. When purchasing, it is advisable to pay attention to the presence of the inscription on the packaging: non-woven, reinforced or non-woven. A distinctive feature of this technique is that the solution is applied not to the wallpaper, but to the walls. Before you start gluing, the surface must be primed.

Brand manufacturers

The modern building materials market offers a wide range of wallpaper glue brands. Some manufacturers position their products in the budget price segment as a universal composition suitable for gluing any type of wallpaper material. At the same time, they promise high adhesion rates under difficult operating conditions. However, experienced craftsmen strongly advise trusting only trusted manufacturers.

KLEO (France) . A brand under which universal and specialized adhesive mixtures are produced. Particularly popular is the Cleo Extra line of adhesives for heavy structured wallpaper. Available in the form of a dry construction mixture. It is quickly diluted with water and is ready for use in just a few minutes. Ready-made solutions are usually transparent and invisible on the surface. It also contains highly effective fungicides that reduce the risk of fungus. The finished mixture is suitable for use for 10 days.

Range of wallpaper adhesives under the KLEO brand PHOTO:

Methylane (Germany) . Offers a full line of adhesive mixtures used for gluing all types of wallpaper. Provides particularly strong adhesion to mineral surfaces: plaster, concrete, brick. For several minutes, it allows the strips to glide, making it easier to place them on the surface.

Methylane is one of the largest manufacturers of wallpaper adhesives PHOTO:

Quelyd (France) . Designed for gluing heavy structured wallpaper, including non-woven wallpaper for painting. The maturation time of the mixed solution is at least 10 minutes. The mixture is applied to the working base (wall). The surface is suitable for painting after 24 hours. It has good adhesion, but at the same time, it can be easily removed from the base with a spatula.

Quelyd is one of the highest quality and most reliable adhesive compositions PHOTO:

Moment (Henkel Germany) . Highly adhesive composition based on methylcellulose. Preparation time is at least 15 minutes, the shelf life of the finished composition is up to 7 days. It also contains a variety of fungicides and antiseptics. Recommended for use in rooms with high traffic (hallway, living room) or high humidity (kitchens).

Moment - high-quality adhesive compositions produced by the international concern Henkel PHOTO:

PUFAS (Germany) . A universal adhesive that, depending on the concentration, can be used for gluing the entire range of wallpaper materials. Ready time when dissolved is no earlier than half an hour. Provides good adhesion to concrete, plaster and brick substrates, as well as wood and plasterboard.

PUFAS manufacturers pay special attention to the quality of their products PHOTO:

Rating of the best universal compounds

ACM Adhesiva U universal

Average product price: 299 rub.


  • composition safety;
  • minimum consumption;
  • high rate of initial setting;
  • no traces remain;
  • the presence of antifungal and antibacterial components.


  • not identified.

The products are manufactured by the Italian company ACM. Quality control is carried out at every stage. The adhesive is designed for various fabrics. Cooking time – 5 minutes. For non-woven products, 5 liters is enough to glue 6 rolls.

Kleo Deluxe exclusive

Average product price: 520 rub.


  • copes with heavy canvases;
  • helps to adhere various types of coatings.


  • not installed.

If you find it difficult to answer the question: what kind of glue is needed for heavy wallpaper, choose this product. It is designed to work with interlining, hard vinyl, cork, velor and murals. The set contains a primer that allows you to pre-treat the surface.

The composition contains modified starch, special additives and methylcellulose. The amount of water for dilution depends on the weight of the canvases: the greater the weight of the canvases, the less the volume of liquid. So, for velor fabrics, 8.5 liters of water per package is enough. This is an ideal option for processing joints and gluing hard-to-reach areas. The additives present in the mixture help improve adhesion.

Quelyd Raccord for joints

Average product price: 249 rubles.


  • ease of use;
  • a godsend for builders;
  • practicality;
  • leaves no traces after gluing;
  • safety.


  • volume is too small.

Sold in tubes. Secures joints on vinyl, non-woven and paper wallpaper. How long does an 800 g package last? For 50 linear meters. User reviews are only positive. Complete drying time is a few minutes. The product is sold in all specialized retail outlets.

Reviews on the use of various brands of glue

Feedback on the use of Adhesive Methylane "Flizelin Premium":

More details on Otzovik:

Adhesive Methylane "Flizelin Premium"

Feedback on the use of Henkel “Moment Indicator” wallpaper glue:

More details on Otzovik:

Henkel glue “Moment Indicator”

Feedback on the use of Quelyd “Super Express” wallpaper adhesive for paper and light vinyl wallpaper:

More details on Otzovik:

Wallpaper glue Quelyd “Superexpress”

Review of Quality “Master” non-woven wallpaper glue, professional:

More details on Otzovik:

Wallpaper adhesive Quality "Master" non-woven, professional

Review of Kleo Smart wallpaper adhesive for all types of vinyl wallpaper:

More details on Otzovik:

Wallpaper adhesive Kleo Smart for all types of vinyl wallpaper

The best compositions for glass wallpaper

The wall covering is based on fiberglass and paper. The characteristics are similar to non-woven ones, but less plastic. They are glued using a special solution.


Average price of goods: 1990 rub.


  • no unpleasant odor;
  • balanced price-quality ratio;
  • practicality.


  • none.

The solution is sold in finished form. No change in consistency or increase in volume is expected. The main purpose is to glue the fiberglass coating. Supplied to retail outlets in 10 liter buckets. Smaller containers are not provided.

This is an ideal option not only for glass wallpaper, but also for working with textile wall coverings. The main advantage is durability. The quality of gluing is excellent. The coating will last on the wall for decades.

Kleo Ultra

Average product price: 620 rub.


  • versatility;
  • functionality;
  • practicality;
  • economy.


  • none.

A fairly reasonable price for such a product. The form is powdery, so dilution with water is required. The weight of the package is 500 g, which is enough to prepare 10 liters of solution. A distinctive feature is that it is completely indifferent to dyes for glass wallpaper. It is extremely popular.

Vinyl wallpaper gluing technology

The process of gluing vinyl sheets is completely similar to gluing paper wallpaper. The diluted glue is applied to the cut strip and the wall surface itself.

The wallpaper should be left for 20 minutes, after which it can be pasted. Due to poor air permeability of the vinyl coating, the adhesive takes much longer to dry.

In this case, it is better to purchase a special adhesive for vinyl wallpaper that dries quickly.

When choosing a universal adhesive composition, you need to prepare a working solution of the highest concentration.

So, when choosing an adhesive, you should focus on the composition of its components. For each type of wallpaper you can find suitable glue in stores. When using other adhesives, the fabric may come off after some time.

The best solutions for paper wallpaper

For this category of canvases, you can purchase the most common glue, since the paper already sticks perfectly to the base. It is enough that the composition contains components such as PVA and modified starch. The prices of the goods are also reasonable, and the range is impressive.

Kleo Total Universal

Average product price: 491 rub.


  • reliability;
  • practicality;
  • high cooking speed;
  • versatility;
  • safety;
  • positive reviews from professionals.


  • none.

This composition can be used not only for gluing paper, but also other types of canvases. The product contains starch, methylcellulose and synthetic resins. The main thing is not to miscalculate the amount of water for stirring. Paper wall coverings require 10 liters of liquid per 300-350 g of powder. The speed of preparation is impressive, but the finished solution should infuse for about 5 minutes. It is extremely popular among professional craftsmen due to its excellent characteristics and affordable price.

Titan Wild universal

Average product price: 155 rub.


  • ease of use;
  • does not leave dark spots on the surface;
  • good frost resistance;
  • copes with material of any density;
  • withstands high temperatures.


  • not identified.

Inexpensive installation products are produced by the domestic company Titan Wild. You can also use it to glue wallpaper, but its main task is to hold leather, decorative elements, wooden structures, and polymer components together. The liquid is completely transparent. Consistency – viscous. Ideal for gluing joints and fabrics that have come off over time. The solution cannot be taken straight away, so you need to firmly clamp the elements to be glued and hold them slightly still. It may get hot when it hits some surfaces, but that's nothing to worry about. After complete drying it becomes transparent and leaves no traces. Sold in liter bottles.

Lakra Universal

Average product price: 800 rub.


  • safety;
  • functionality;
  • ease of use;
  • price-quality ratio.


  • not installed.

This glue is great for photo wallpaper. It is made in the form of a dry mixture. The main component is PVA. The composition is easily diluted in water. To work with paper webs, it is enough to dilute 5 kg of the composition in 10 liters of liquid. For non-woven rolls, the concentration should be doubled. This is an ideal option for wall decoration for painting. Interacts well with any substrate.

According to the masters, it is able to glue wooden structures, but for this the concentration of the composition should be increased. Sold in dense packaging of 10 kg. The price range is significant (it all depends on the store).

Types of wallpaper glue

All types of glue are evaluated according to a number of quality characteristics: density, consistency, adhesion strength to the surface, shelf life and many other parameters.

Depending on compliance with the specified properties and the preferred wallpaper material, the following types of glue are distinguished:

  1. Universal composition.
  2. Glue for non-woven wallpaper.
  3. Bustilat.
  4. Drilling glue.
  5. Vinyl glue.
  6. Adhesive base for wallpaper with fiberglass.

All compositions differ in cost and scope. In addition to the basic parameters, you should pay attention to the manufacturer.

Preference should be given to those companies that have proven their reliability in terms of production.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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